Friday, July 20, 2007


I was told that some people aren't too sure what to put in the bios, I wasn't really either, so I just did a really random one. Here is an example, done by our cat Tyler, who won't be attending. But in case you ever run into him, you know a thing or two about him.

Hi, my name is Tyler and I'm about 2 or 3 years old. I really don't know. I live in Santa Cruz right now, but I'm actually from the back of some bio-med facility in Woodland. I'm currently unemployed, but I am really enjoying the time off. I used to have a high stress job, trading stocks. I used to really want to be a Pho chef, and I might go back to school for that eventually. The only real thing stopping me is the fact that I don't have opposable thumbs. In my free time, when I'm not reading the latest edition of the Onion, I enjoy crossing busy streets and tallying up how many cars I can get to slam on their brakes. I like going to the beach, eating flying insects, and finding new and mysterious places to crap, or nap in the world. I'm excellent when it comes to Poker, and I'll take any of you on, any day, and win. Bring it Bitches!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Yay I'm the only one posting. Thank you to the 3 who got their bios in already, I know I'm the most annoying I could be, but I put them into the book format and they look so good that I'm excited to get the rest! Joel suggested I make a "Mad Libs" style format for those of you who are reluctant to make a bio. I just might do that. I want to get these bios out to everyone ASAP 'cause they are really coool.............

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Where the hell are all the bios? hehe.